Zero-Knowledge Proofs
Polylang and Zero-Knowledge

Polylang and Zero-Knowledge

To run Polylang programs on the Miden VM, we follow a two step process:

  1. Compile the program into Miden assembly.
  2. Run the program by invoking miden-run and passing in:
    • the output of the compilation step (produced in step 1)
    • the input contract (if applicable) using the --this-json flag
    • the inputs for the code (if applicable) using the --advice-tape-json flag

A number of showcase examples follow.


The Polylang CLI is being actively worked on, and ergonomics should improve in future iterations.

Minimal example

Consider a minimal Polylang program:

function main() {

This program simply has a function, main that does nothing.

Compile and extract the ABI string:

$ cargo run --bin compile -- function:main <<<'function main() {}' | cargo run -p miden-run


<no output>

Adding numbers

The use case is that we wish to add two numbers which are supplied to our program, and calculate the sum.

Define the contract:

contract AddNums {
    sum: number; // this will store the sum
    addNums(a: number, b: number) {
        this.sum = a + b;

Compile and run the program passing the numbers 1 and 2 as inputs:

$ cargo run --bin compile -- contract:AddNums function:addNums <<< 'contract AddNums { sum: number; addNums(a: number, b: number) { this.sum = a + b; }}' | \
cargo run -p miden-run -- --this-json '{ "sum": 0 }' \
  --advice-tape-json '[1, 2]'

The output:

this_json: {"sum":3}

A full contract example

Consider the contract:

contract Person {
    id: string;
    name: string;
    age: number;
    constructor (id: string, name: string, age: number) { = id; = name;
      this.age = age;
    setName(newName: string) { = newName;
    setAge(newAge: number) {
      this.age = newAge;
    del () {

Suppose we have a record with the following data:

    "id": "id1",
    "name": "Bob",
    "age": 19

and we wish to update the age to 20. So we have to invoke the setAge function/method on the Person contract for this record.

Compile and run the program and pass in 20 for the new age:

  $ cargo run --bin compile -- contract:Person function:setAge <<< \
contract Person {
    id: string;
    name: string;
    age: number;
    constructor (id: string, name: string, age: number) { = id; = name;
      this.age = age;
    setName(newName: string) { = newName;
    setAge(newAge: number) {
      this.age = newAge;
    del () {
' | \
  cargo run -p miden-run -- --this-json '{ "id": "id1", "name": "Bob", "age": 19 }' \
--advice-tape-json '[20]'

The output:

this_json: {"age":20,"id":"id1","name":"Bob"}

So where is the proof?

If a Polylang program runs to completion, then the code is provably correct. If we still wish to generate an explicit proof output, we can pass the --proof-output flag to the miden-run executable.

The syntax is:

$ cargo run -p miden-run -- --proof-output <proof-file>

Here is how we could generate the proof for the first example:

$ cargo run --bin compile -- function:main <<<'function main() {}' | cargo run -p miden-run -- --proof-output minimal.proof


$ file minimal.proof
minimal.proof: data
$ xxd minimal.proof | head
00000000: 0048 0910 0a00 0008 0100 0000 ffff ffff  .H..............
00000010: 1b08 1002 08ff 7800 8e5c d6e1 b263 696d  ......x..\...cim
00000020: 168a c6b8 fefb 1b5d c315 4663 9d24 c477  .......]..Fc.$.w
00000030: c829 cf37 23f8 bf7a 7a94 21fd f47c fada  .).7#..zz.!..|..
00000040: 48b0 9bd6 6520 4a57 1e5d 7c2f 9a56 c5a0  H...e JW.]|/.V..
00000050: 56f6 3d96 9e89 8a47 b4f7 c72b c9da b9fa  V.=....G...+....
00000060: 473c 90f5 faa0 bda1 e61f 09d4 3875 4a20  G<..........8uJ
00000070: 07a5 b83c 989e 9bc7 56bf 08a2 80fa b2e1  ...<....V.......
00000080: 439b 18a8 1ab6 b453 8596 df8b d458 4865  C......S.....XHe
00000090: c03c 0000 7364 28c6 c965 2965 6816 bcda  .<

The proof is stored as a sequence of bytes in the minimal.proof file.


Polylang does not provide an option for verification via the CLI, but an external library such as Miden Verifier (opens in a new tab) may be used to explicitly verify the proof.

Polylang Docs